Five Easy Ways to Spot Fake Luxury Handbags

by | Jun 15, 2015 | In The News, The Ryan Blog | 0 comments

Ryan Investigators Anti-Counterfeiting


Tourist season in New York City is in full swing.  Manhattan sidewalks are at capacity and this brings out the counterfeiters that target the tourists with “Great Deals” on facsimile goods.  Counterfeit handbags are a billion dollar enterprise and it’s a growing epidemic.

It’s not as easy to spot a fake but we know the tell tale signs of a counterfeit handbag.  Brands do not wholesale their products to street vendors.  There are some third party retailers in shops and department stores so you shouldn’t judge all vendors.

Five Easy Ways to Spot Fake Luxury Handbags

1) If the price is too good to be true, it probably is. This is the golden rule in anti-counterfeiting.  Check the internet for comparative pricing.  Brands never sell their wares that cheap.

2) You’re buying from someone on the street or worse, in a park, you’re buying a fake.  If you’re dealing with a small shop or even a kiosk style business, chances are they are not authorized by the brand to sell their products and therefore they are selling fakes.

3) Typos on the labeling.  Check all tags and labels for typos.  Beware of any signage that says “100 Genuine.” More than likely that’s not the case.

4) Vendor or salesperson doesn’t have good knowledge of the product.  That’s because they are counterfeits.

5) Cheap materials.  Most knock-offs are cheaply made with poor quality materials.  A close inspection of these items can reveal non-authentic material, however there are some “high quality” knock-offs and just inspecting the material is not the best way to spot fakes. Use common sense and use the previous four methods to reinforce your analysis.


Best bet, when in NYC, shop at 5th Ave or Madison Ave in Manhattan. You’re pretty much guaranteed to be buying authentic merchandise.

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